シカゴの市長がRahm Emanuelに代わって最初の100日がたったとか。でも市庁舎の隣にそびえるリチャード・デイリー・センターや、前庭のイベント広場デイリー・プラザの名前は元のまま。デイリーといっても、先日辞めた先代市長の名ではなく、その父親…悪名高き?先々代のデイリーに因んだ名称だから、変更されないというわけ?
夜明けに買った新聞によれば市長のエマニュエルが、Ravenswoodの自宅に戻り、そして火曜日の朝は息子と一緒に朝食をとってほっと一息、Brown Lineに乗って通勤したと書いてある。
(上写真:Daley Plazaの火で暖をとる鳩たち)
"Rahm back home, Rides L to work"
Emanuelは昨夏市長選のためにワシントンから帰った後も、1年近くNear North Sideのアパートに借り住まいしていた。なぜなら、ずっと彼の家に住んでいたあのRob Halpinが、退去を拒んで居すわったから…
"Gov, mayor politely presure each other" 知事と市長が慇懃に、お互いをけん制…"
新市長のEmanuelと、2年目のイリノイ州知事Pat Quinnはこのところ、カジノ拡大法案をめぐって"at odds(対立状態)"にあると、報じられていた…彼らはライバル風に、火曜日に同時に別の場所で記者会見をおこなった。
ダウンタウンのDePaul大学で会見したEmanuelは、Quinnがシカゴに市営カジノなどを容認するカジノ法案にサインするように望んでいるという…それにより見込まれる税収入を、市のインフラ整備という別の目的に使うべきだ、と …CTAの市営電車やバスの再建、また特に、市のあちこちの道路のPotholes(陥没穴)の補修…特に、昨今Westsideに口を開けて車を飲み込んだ、Monster potholeの補修も含めて…
"Though Emanuel said he understands Quinn's qualms about casinos, Congress' inability to pass a highway bill or a transit bill means the city needs new sources of a casino - to pay for $7 billion in infrastructure needs.."
"Emanuel said he doesn't 'like' relying on a casino, but he sees no better option for money to prevent infrastructure collapse such as the monster pothole that opened up on Chicago's Northwest Side, swallowing a car." "..The pipes, the water systems, in parts of Chicago, are 100 years old," Emanuel said...
対するQuinnは、サウスサイドのFordの組立工場で会見し、イリノイでギャンブル産業を促進するならば急がすに、レギュレーションをしっかりしてからだ、という。また、昨今ダウンタウンの歴史的な大通り、Wacker Driveの再建工事の現場で、交通局の工事看板にEmanuelが自分の名前をめだつように表示させている…自分ならそんなことはしない、と彼の虚栄心を非難…
"If you don't notice, I don't put my name :on any of these projects," Quinn said, "I was a big fan of Wacker Drive, That's one of the greatest inventions known to man, Lower Wacker. They are reviving the Drive. Who do you think is paying for that? The state of Illinois is the big investor in that. My name's not on that road and I don't want it to be. It's the project of the people of Illinois. It's their money.I know other people they put their names all over the place"
Quinn posed a capital bill that sends the city $100 million a year.
Despite difference of opinion betsween Quinn and Emanuel, the governor said: "He's my friend, OK. He's been to my office on several occdasions."..
Wacker Driveとは…ミシガン通りのバスの市中心部の折り返し点という感じだが、市街を囲む古い都市計画道路だったようだ…元はChicago Riverの堤防だったとか。東京なら、日露戦争の頃から造られた最初の環状道路という感じ?今もシカゴで最高の路線地価エリアらしい
新市長と州知事は互いに、他州からの企業誘致と具体的な雇用の増加策を懸命にアピールしている…記事のタイトルはJob, job job!...だ。
Casino Bill Invites Questions About Growth
Questions surrounding a gambling bill that is headed to Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk have focused on regulation and on how much new casinos could raise for state coffers...But casino industry watchers are also asking whether the gambling market will be oversaturated with five new riverboats, minicasinos at the state’s five horse racing tracks and slot machines at Chicago’s airports...
...Increased competition from neighboring states, an unpredictable economy and casino bankruptcies are raising distress signals for the industry nationwide...
....The Chicago-northwest Indiana market ranks No. 3 in the nation in casino earnings, behind Las Vegas and Atlantic City, according to the American Gaming Association. Every state but Hawaii and Utah has some form of legal gambling, industry observers point out, raising questions about whether further expansion can be profitable.
.... Supporters say the appetite for gambling remains robust. They point to the July opening of Rivers Casino in Des Plaines, the state’s newest casino, as proof. Traffic jammed the Tri-State Tollway, the casino parking lot reached capacity and patrons waited in long lines to get inside. .
The State Senate president, John J. Cullerton, Democrat of Chicago, said he was recently approached by a lobbyist hired by a Wisconsin casino who hoped to stifle competition by derailing Illinois’s expansion of gambling sites. The fact that neighboring states are worried suggests there is a market for more, Mr. Cullerton said.
...Supporters also argue that a casino in tourist-rich Chicago would keep gamblers here instead of sending them across state lines. Dozens of buses depart from Chicago and its suburbs every day for gambling venues elsewhere. Mr. Emanuel has said Illinois should not allow Indiana to get “$20 million a month while our infrastructure is crumbling.”
Emanuel visited our school lately?

The former Mayor Daley (senior?)'s name still on the name plate

(it was a chilly day)
A Dee-jay played a music and African American people held a dancing party at noon (on Sep 6)