Friday, September 14, 2012

Teachers are still goint to Strike..

...Here are the teachers..
The teachers are still heading to the downtown on Saturday -
 taking a train from BrynMawr...!

..They are apparently from Swift Elementary school .

(People look like generally pro to the teachers.. )

Teachers’ strike opposed by 40.1%, poll suggests

"......Emanuel's goal of judging Chicago Public School teachers -- for the first time ever – is based in part on the academic progress of the students in their classroom.
Union leaders claim on the one hand that many factors outside the classroom, including poverty and neighborhood violence, hurt student learning in ways no teacher can overcome. They also reject the standardized testing Mayor Emanuel wants to use as a way of measuring what kids have learned.

....... Among the mayor's substantial concessions: his team has agreed to give poor-performing teachers up to 15 months to improve and to give qualified, laid-off teachers up to two years to find another CPS job.

In the first week of the walkout, Chicago voters sympathized with the strikers. In a survey by We Ask America about the union's decision to strike, 55.5% approve, 40.1% disapprove, 4.4% have no opinion.
Who's most to blame for the strike? 34.4% percent say Mayor Emanuel; the union, 28.8%; the mayor's school board, 18.8%; no opinion 18%......."

- The poster in my apartment says:
e.g. the kids in nearby Swift Elementary School and other two schools should go to Pierce Elementary... ..Each school will be open from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Children need to register there. breakfast and lunch will be provided, no bus service is provided..

"Children are expected to join camp-type activities, such as sports, arts, and nature activities."

..Parents can also attend the children for half day, or there is a full-day option..

- The schools are to be opened on Monday in their plan.

**The teachers in general in my univ.. don't look like going to the strike..and our classes are normal..

We only got Dr. Wright in the radical class -"the Mvmts in 1960s"-.. who made a complaint .. "why we don't join the strike!? ...Mayor Emanuel might be fortunate, since the news from Libya may be used for camouflaging of the strike issue from the news shows.." etc..

On Mon morning teachers are still on the strike, but children are told to go back to the schools.. while there are be some picketing lines expected in some high schools...
 Some schools may have substitute teachers..   Parents' patience growing short.. etc.

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