Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Attend the Community Meeting on the South Side!

Cool! .. ..the "Race Relations" class went on the South Side excursion

There was CRS(Community Renewal Society)'s "24th Annual Membership Assembly" on SAT. Oct 13...

The CRS addresses 5 issues:

1.      Inequality in the educational facilities in the public schools in the low-income neighborhoods(“Fair Tax in Education Funding Reform”)
2.      Housing issue for low-income people (“Affordable and Livable Rental Housing”)
3.      Discrimination in the Job Opportunities for Ex-offenders of light crimes... –(“The Force Project: Job Opportunities for Ex-Offenders”)
4.      “Youth's exposure to the Gun Violence”
5.      Drivers licenses’ ban on the Illegal Immigrants—(“Drivers Licenses for Undocumented People”)

- The group says these unreasonable issues should be changed through the civic action..
- CRS's each branch organization engages in the issues and makes direct appeals to the authorities, namely, state legislatures and corporate executives..
(for example, in the "FORCE" project: they are currently pushing Walgreens to hire the people with felony record...) 

It looks like effective..

The assembly was held at the African American church near West Pullman..
(the civic organization, based in the Loop came here from the down town today.)

The students got off the train at 95th Dan Ryan & took the bus..and arrived at Pullman Presbyterian Church at 103 St..

race relations クラスのわがクラスメートたちは、Red Lineを南のlast stop、95thStまで乗り、
さらにバスで数分、103rd St.のアフリカン・アメリカンのチャーチで行われたコミュニティー・リニューアル・ソサイエティの会合に行った!


  ダウンタウンやシティ全域のほうからきた、CRSの"member"となっている数々のlocal churchの市民代表たち、branch groupのprojectの代表たちが次々に演壇に立ち 活動報告をする、

聴衆も最後には全員立って、「イリノイの議会はどういうシステムになっていて、如何にして、Civic Actionの手続きをするか」のシュミレーション・ゲームに参加した…
(Black Churchでは壇上のスピーカーの言葉聴衆が呼応方式で盛り上げる方式ちこちにみられた)


social problemをピックアップして、authorityに対する市民のアクションで可能なところから改善をせまる、お題目の活動は一切なくて初めから政治権力だとかに直接行動で訴える

ここ伝説のPullman Kingdomの地の近く?
…それははじめて寝台車を発明したPullmanが建設して、Pullman Sleeping Car Companyの従業員たちを住まわせた街だとか


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