Friday, October 19, 2012

Meet the Hillbilly Nationalist..

The 60's Movement class went to the Heartland Cafe at Rogers Park... to hear the lecture of Mr. Mike James of the former "Hillbilly Nationalists" in 1960's!..

(...flood of lefty movement posters seen on the wall! ..since this cafe has been the people's movement spot) Mr. Mike.James said, "I saw the former black mayor, Harold Washington came here to make a (preliminary) celebration with the people.., it was just 2 days before he was elected in 1983.. There was already a celebration because at the moment it was already known that he's gonna be elected.. "
 .. "Obama also came here in 2005.." -

(...yes I also remember the other classmate in Dr. Gitelson's 2008's election class, a middle aged, bold head guy  [I nicknamed him Joe da Plumber....] was also talking about it,
  .."I saw Obama made a speech at the cafe out there at Morse, just 3 years ago..He was really a nice guy!!"-
 .. now I find out, it seems to be in this cafe!?)

..Mr. James appeared in the book which we read in the class. It was about the civilian uprising movement in Uptown and the North Side... Rogers Park Chicago neighborhood in '60s..

Now we join (Martin Luther King's) SCLS movement, SNCC...Black Panthers and everything!

..Dr. Wright and Kristin...

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