Sunday, November 25, 2012

Civil Disobedience Day

The video of the protest rally.."Make Wall Street Pay Illinois" on Fri.Nov. 9, against the "Budget Showdown 2013" updated..! ( find I'm still appearing on the v!!)  ..

-I find: this kind of "sit-in" inside the government bldg.. for intentionally getting arrested.. is made as the (good old)..tactics..mimicking how the student and civilian activists did in the civil rights movements like "FREEDOM SUMMER," "FREEDOM VOTE," "FREEDOM RIDE"in the South.. -in 60's..

...When northern white students joined the southern black movements..taking tolls ..

They may be trying to recall the scenes: sitting inside the glass wall (from the beginning time with the banner, corresponding to the rally outside. (Wouldn't they become ex-offenders?)-

 The people also chanted some kind of "song" (Civil rights movements song)during the demo-

IIRON is mainly a student coalition ..

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