Friday, November 9, 2012

Join the downtown demo!


Make Wall Street Pay Illinois

The protest march was ..   held by coalition of civilian and student organizations

they are against the current,  unacceptable "budget showdown"..  and the politician Sen Durbin who voted for it,

  (... I couldn't go to the Heartland cafe for Obama celebration.. or something tonight..
  because of joining this kind of thing) ...although.. It was a fun to join...

about 3 o'clock....

Police people also waiting..


Zach and Lilly saluting with other students

Wheel chaired participants

Excersing the chants is important

Starting from Jackson



heading toward the Federal Bldg
Passerbyes all smile

Arriving at the Federal Bldg

- The demo was held because the gov't is planning a huge budget cut
for dwarfing many valuable public programs.- as an austerity measure-.
Shouting the Chants

Sen.Durbin's office is inside

She is from is Illinois Single-Payer Coalition.. "against medicare budget cut"

Sen Durbin's effigy

He is a character?!.. IIRON's Toby Chow...
I couldn't take a pic of other leader..a middle-aged black minister with corn row

lingering outside the bldg

The student leader..
 (We joined them though we are very busy now! ) I feel against the terrible educational opportunity and facility differences between the schools
Those who were "sitting-in" holding a big banner... inside the glass...
were intentionally arrested?
like the way in the Civil Rights mvmt in the south?
IIRON leader "Eight people are quickly arrested upstairs outside the senator's office..We were treated very rudely!"
Today's march is over, .."But we are coming back again laterrr.."  
The Real Story on Senator Dick Durbin’s Leadership

 (a classmate..Kristin actually wrote):

 ..."Essentially what is happening is the legislation right now that is being passed as far as budget cuts is cutting a lot of the social welfare programs (these programs include public housing, healthcare, education, etc). They claim that we must do this because they must enact "austerity measures" because we are in economic downfall. However, despite these cuts for welfare programs, our government is also giving tax breaks to large corporations. The most wealthy corporations and people do not have to pay certain taxes. THis could be done because the corporation claims that with more money they will hire more people, or with more money they will jumpstart the economy etc. But we do not believe this will do anything and with the cuts to social welfare programs it will actually just hurt us..."

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