Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So, where was HIillary's house when she was a toddler?

Where was Hillary living when she was a toddler before 1950?

My neighbor Mikey...who is a good-hearted Irish man said.. when little Hillary Rodham was living here since she was born to becoming 3 yrs old.. on Winthrop Avenue, she may have been "either here, or there.."
 - Which one?

He said - Supposedly, she was living in one of these two sites  (he pointed both sides of the street-..But he wasn't sure which one..)

- 1) Her house might have been on the site seen in the picture on the right...now vacant lot..or....

- 2) On the other site seen in the picture below (A red brick apartment is seen now: would it be the...so-called Rodham House?

..( I also read ..a building built in around 2001.. was named after Hillary Rodham by the new owner, because it's built at the same site where she lived..)

..Supposed to be Rodham House?

Though the local museum called Edgewater Historical Society exhibits her house was at 5xx5.., though there is no such street number. - "The museum got wrong number!" Mikey said..

This is a strange street- It was only until 1940s..when the neighborhood was "elegant" white neighborhood..but now, after the deterioration and renewal, mixed B/W people live as a comfortable patchwork..

..Hillary was born in '47 and her family moved to Park Ridge (more north east suburb in '51.. as a part of white flight-)

(Dr Carole in my apartment also said.. when she  first moved in here, this street looked  deteriorated- full of drug dealers and prostitutes..etc. ) The community organization made effort in '60s to improve this area... the CHA built a lot of halfway houses, recovery houses...or elderly houses-maybe that's why  a lot of senior houses are still seen now...in this area..(..dr. Rosenblatt agreed my surmise)

I also made my own research about this neighborhood- It was really interesting..

 *correction: Later I found it.. Mikey was right. Hillary's old home was at the site of red brick  apartment above!..(as seen here)

 -  after she moved to Park Ridge with her parents and two brothers, she met a neighborhood bully named Suzy..and beaten by her..Then her mother - who has passed away at the age of 96 in '11..persuaded her to retaliate the bully, and she made it..!

 - Recently, the Sec of State Hillary has been wearing  geek girl glasses..for the sake of aftereffect of her concussion..But she is still vigorous..and now retiring within this week..

(the exhibition at Edgewater Historical Society)

 it exhibits wrong address?..

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